Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas day 2008

We had a great Christmas, i slept in till about 8 then we opened presents around 9 and my mom came and spent christmas with my dad, brother and i,  and she cooked a great breakfast, i got a lot of real fun stuff, and was able to enjoy christmas morning with my family. It started snowing so bad, by the time we were done with breakfast we had around 4-5 foot drifts outside the garage and the yard, my dad even got stuck in the bronco wich has a big plow on it and he had to be pulled out of the ditch, it took him almost 4 hours to finish plowing! All and all this year we had a great Christmas, i can't wait till next year, it will be even better!

ChRiStMaS EvE at GrAnDmAs and GrAnDpAs

Christmas eve at Grandmas and Grandpas was just as fun as always, we had some real good soup and bread sticks, salads, meatballs, deviled eggs, and all sorts of other fun stuff, it was yummy! Grandma had a bingo game planned for all the grandkids to play, and then we watched a really good little 7 min movie she had about the birth of our savior, and it put everyone in such a christmas spirit, we then all exchanged out gifts and opened our gifts from Grandm Grandpa, she gave me and Jentry really cute jackets and some sweat pants from Aero,  Jentry gave me jammie pants and slippers and the new Taylor Swift CD, wich, by the way is really good! Everyone was able to make it this year, except my uncle Bryce and his family, they were on a Hawaiian cruise, we misssed you this year Bryce and fam! All in all we had a lot of fun, like always, the kids were all so excited for Santa to come, before they all left we pulled up the Santa tracker on line so they could see where he was, so they all could go get in bed and wait! Hope you all had a very merry Christmas!

Sargeant Butterfield

Yay !I got to talk to jason over in Afghanistan, we downloaded a program that allowed us to talk over the computer, and we were able to see each other also, it was so good to be able to see him and hear him! he will probably get mad at me  for posting this picture, cuz he doest like it of him, but oh well :-) Sometimes his voice was clear, but if lots of people were on line then it would start breaking up and he would look all digital and blurry, but still as cute as ever, he is doing good, and sounded good! Good luck Jas! 

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

     Thanksgiving this year was a nice quiet day at Grandma's, the night before me and my family were up till about 3 a.m. because our cat Baxter that we have had since i was a junior in high school, started not being able to breath, and so me, Jeron and Colby Grundy jumped into my car racing to the emergency vet, but unfortunalely he passed away in Jeron's arms, his lungs had filled up with fluid because of his heart disease and there would have been nothing they could have done for him, so things around here are pretty quiet!

     Dinner was good most everyone was there this year, and all the grandkids had a ball together, my uncle Bryce made some make shift air balloons with a garbage bag and alcohol or something so the kids thought that was pretty cool to see it fly! 

Me, Alicia and chloe

Me, Alicia and chloe